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Volumen 6, Asunto 2 (2017)

Mini reseña

Offshore Gas Well Flow and Orifice Metering System: An Overview

  • Okoro Emeka E*, Igwilo Kevin, Mamudu Angela, Onuh Charles and Ekeinde Bose Evelyn

Artículo de opinión

RenovaBio-Towards a New National Biofuel Policy and a Truly Sustainable World

  • Miguel Novato and Miguel Ivan Lacerda

Artículo de investigación

Production and Characterization of Heterogeneous Catalyst (CaO) from Snail Shell for Biodiesel Production Using Waste Cooking Oil

  • Sani J, Samir S, Rikoto II, Tambuwal AD, Sanda A, Maishanu SM and Ladan MM

Artículo de investigación

Calculation of Annual Heating and Cooling Energy Requirements for Residential Building in Different Climate Zones in Libya

  • Awad Bodalal, Salah Mashite, Omar Aladouli and Ahmed Ihdash

Artículo de investigación

Economic Assessment of PV Investments in Jordan

  • Loiy Al-Ghussain

Artículo de revisión

Different Solar Potential Co-Ordinates of Pakistan

  • Fazal Muhammad, Muhammad Waleed Raza, Surat Khan and Faizullah Khan

Artículo de investigación

Electric Speed Governor for 1kw Microhydro Generator

  • Sirodz MPN, Purwanto TS, Hermanto A, Barata IAN and Taufiqullah

Artículo de investigación

Energy Consumption of Herbaceous Biomass Bulk Densification

  • Tianyi Wang and Jude Liu

Artículo de investigación

Reforming and Desulphurization of Syngas by 3D-printed Catalyst Carriers

  • Chen KY, Chen YY and Wei WCJ

Artículo de investigación

Nanocatalytic Conversion of Waste Palm Oil Grade III and Poplar Plant’s Wood Sawdust into Fuel

  • Tariq Mahmood, Mahrukh Malik, Asghari Bano, Jawad Umer and Anjuman Shaheen