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A Congenital Malformation of the Piriform Sinus Mimicking a Laryngeal Cyst. A Case Report

Johan Steineger*,Kjell Brøndbo

Objective: We report a type of hypopharyngeal congenital malformation not previously described in the world literature.

Case report: A slightly preterm, female newborn presented with stridor immediately after birth. Flexible laryngoscopy showed the presence of a huge supraglottic cystic mass and endoscopic laser surgery under general anesthesia was carried out. During the operation it became clear that the cystic lesion had its origin from the piriform recess and not the laryngeal structure. The child was extubated the day after the operation without any problems and has since shown a normal development.

Conclusions: A unique cystic congenital malformation of the piriform sinus is described. The challenges related to intubation and surgical treatment of this particular case and similar lesions are addressed.