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A Phenomenological Study of Being a Professional and Supportive Volunteer in Palliative Care

James Shepard

Volunteers in palliative care have been proven to make a beneficial difference in the lives of critically ill patients and their families by increasing their quality of life. It has also been found that palliative patients who got volunteer visits lived longer than those who did not. However, it is suggested that volunteers be taught and encouraged in their voluntary activities, which is in keeping with the wishes of the participants. When compared to paid staff personnel, the function of the volunteer in palliative care is distinct. Volunteers are referred to as complementing since they can assist with practical tasks. The term "autonomous volunteer" refers to a volunteer who performs a duty that no one else on the patient's care team is doing. The volunteer job is often referred to as surrogacy since in some cases; the volunteer can even replace a family member. In palliative care, one key volunteer job is to give emotional and practical support, as well as companion, which is linked to the concept that the volunteer might become the patient's companion. However, the activities that a volunteer performs might vary, especially as some jobs are frequently dependent on what the patient and his or her family members require in this manner, the volunteer serves as a unique link between the patient, the family, and the members of staff. As a result, a volunteer coordinator plays a vital role in the training and support of volunteers. It is critical that the volunteers desire to continue serving their community, especially because there is expected to be a volunteer scarcity in the future.

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