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A Review of Nepal's Main Tree Species' Dendrochronological Potential

Robert Mccoy

In Nepal, numerous studies in the field of dendrochronology are conducted. Before beginning dendrochronological research, it is crucial to comprehend the nature of the species through its distribution, related species, and climatic response. This study aims to evaluate the dendrochronological potentiality of the major tree species that have been studied in Nepal up to this point. In order to do this, we searched published articles through March 2020 using the Google engine, listing the species names that have been used thus far in dendrochronological research conducted in Nepal. From the published research articles and reviews, we were able to identify the following species: Pinus roxburghii, Pinus wallichiana, Rhodendendron campanulatum, Tsuga dumusa, Ulmus wallichiana, Larix potaninii, Picea smithiana, Abies spectabilis, Betula utilis, Cedrus deodara, Cupressus torulosa, and Picea smithiana.