ISSN: E-2314-7326

Enfermedades neuroinfecciosas

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A Review on Early and Late Syphilis Involvement of Central Nervous System Resulting in Asymptomatic Neurosyphilis

Lisa Lee

The spirochete pale striatum infection that causes syphilis is potentially a big global health concern. Within days after the original infection, spirochetes begin to enter the nervous system in around one-third of patients, progressing to pox (NS). Successive NS may also be categorised as early (occurring within the first two years of the main infection) or late and as well or symptomatic pox. Although there are several clinical symptoms of NS and it can occur at any stage of a sexually transmitted illness, the most common one is ANS. An additional 13.5% of individuals with latent STDs had ANS that appeared to have late medical specialty problems.

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