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A Unique Case of Mastoid Osteoma - A Case Report

Chithra Gowda, Chethana C S, Mahesh S G, Deepalakshmi Tanthry

Osteoma is a benign tumour of Mesenchymal osteoplastic nature composed of well-differentiated osseous tissue with laminar structure. Temporal bone Osteomas in general constitute 0.1 to 1 % of all benign tumours of the skull.Clinically these tumours are asymptomatic, except for cosmetic deformities, and they are usually casual radiological findings. This case report presents a 29-year-old female patient presenting with a swelling of approximately 2x2 cm over the left post auricular region since 2 years associated with pain over the swelling since 6 months.

X-RAY of bilateral temporal bone was done which showed a well-defined, round to oval dense radio opacity in the left temporal region. Computed tomography was done which was reported as bony attenuation lesion along outer cortex of mastoid, part of temporal bone on the left side in the post auricular region (mastoid Osteoma). Surgical excision was done and the sample was sent for histopathological examination which confirmed the diagnosis of an Osteoma. Postoperatively, the patient was asymptomatic. On a regular follow up, that is 1 week, 1 month and 2 months there was no recurrence noted. Patient had a good cosmetic cover with no complications, recurrence or pain.