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Advancements in Dental Materials: Shaping the Future of Oral Health

Afroj Khan

Dental materials are fundamental to modern dentistry, shaping the landscape of oral health care through continuous innovation and development. This article provides a comprehensive overview of dental materials, spanning their historical evolution, diverse types, and recent innovations. From traditional amalgam to advanced nanomaterials, dental materials have evolved to offer enhanced aesthetics, durability, biocompatibility, and patient comfort. We explore the impact of these materials on oral health care and highlight the promising future of dental materials in revolutionizing dental treatments. Dental materials are integral to the practice of modern dentistry, serving as the foundation for a wide array of dental procedures and treatments. This abstract provides a concise overview of dental materials, highlighting their significance in oral health care. From traditional materials like amalgam to advanced innovations in nanotechnology and digital dentistry, dental materials have evolved to offer enhanced aesthetics, durability, biocompatibility, and patient comfort. This abstract underscores the pivotal role of dental materials in shaping the landscape of restorative dentistry and emphasizes their on-going impact on patient care and oral health.