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An Overview of Sustainable Marine Fisheries and Aquaculture

Demon Anderson

It is a step toward greater transparency and coherence in funding for sustainable marine fisheries and healthy oceans. This “coda” manuscript aims to distil thinking around a number of key recurring topics raised throughout the workshop, which took place in December 2018 over the course of two days. While the unique issue looked to gather new examination into the most recent patterns and advancements in the quickly developing universe of subsidizing for sea protection and practical fisheries, the experiences gathered during the studio have assisted with featuring remaining information holes. As a result, a set of questions posed by workshop attendees indicate that each of the three “needs” outlined in this manuscript calls for additional investigation as part of an on-going research program. The crosscutting idea of large numbers of the issues rose as well as the quick speed of progress that describes this financing scene both highlighted a more extensive requirement for preceded with discourse and study that arrives at across the networks of exploration, strategy and practice.