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An Unusual Case Report of Compound Odontoma Associated with Unerupted Primary Lateral Incisor

Madhuri Vegesna*, Chandrasekhar R and Vinay C

Odontomas are benign tumors of odontogenic origin characterized by their slow growth and non-aggressive nature. Odontomas may consist of enamel, dentine, cementum and pulpal tissue but have a discrepancy in the structural arrangement of these epithelial and ectomesenchymal tissues. They are usually asymptomatic and diagnosed by routine radiographic examination. They are rarely associated with primary teeth. These malformations may cause interference with eruption of permanent teeth, cystic transformations and bone resorptions. Surgical excision is the treatment of choice with preservation of adjacent structures. This case report presents a compound odontoma associated with unerupted primary lateral incisor in a seven year old female child.