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Antiacid and Prodigestive Activity of a Novel Formulation

Elisa Gaio1 , Erik Tedesco 1 , Federico Benetti1 , Francesco Ciampanelli2 , Paola Benatti3* and Veronica P

Background: The general increase of high calories and fat rich diets in developed and developing countries led to an increase in gastrointestinal related issues. The most diffuse gastrointestinal issues i.e., dyspepsia, gastroesophageal reflux, etc. are related to hyperacidity and/or leakage of gastric juice. While over the counter medication such as antacids is still considered the main defense line, their activity may hinder the digestive process by inactivating digestive enzymes, potentially worsening digestive difficulties. A solution to this undesirable effect comes from digestive enzyme supplementation (proteases, lipases and carbohydrates hydrolyzing enzyme). This supplementation can support the activity of digestive process released enzymes, reducing the “stomach heaviness” feeling as a consequence. In particular, considering the progressive enrichment in lactose containing foods of western diets, the supplementation of lactose hydrolyzing enzymes, such as β-galactosidase (lactase), is instrumental to enhance and support food digestion. The aim of the present work is to test the antacid and prodigestive efficacy of a new multifunctional formulation, Biochetasi Acidità e Digestione (BAD).

Methods: The antacid activity of BAD was determined with an in vitro approach, by following the progressive pH neutralization over time of a simulated gastric fluid. Neutralization tests were carried out starting from pH 2 (fasted condition) and pH 3 (fed condition). The prodigestive activity of BAD supplemented proteases, lipases and galactosidases was evaluated by performing in vitro digestion of a standard food, composed in equal percentage of proteins, lipids and carbohydrates, in the presence or absence of normal digestive enzymes (i.e., pepsin, trypsin, lipases, etc.). Protein hydrolysis was assessed by free amino acids quantification, while lipids and carbohydrates hydrolysis were investigated by triglycerides and released glucose quantification respectively. To investigate galactosidases specificity, in vitro digestion was performed either on a starch or lactose based standard food.

Results: Regardless physiological digestive situation (i.e., fed or fasted), BAD neutralizes gastric acidity to pH 4, guaranteeing the maintenance of pepsin activity at the gastric level. BAD supplemented proteases significantly improve protein digestion in the absence of normal digestive enzymes. Lipases supplemented by BAD induces an effective triglycerides hydrolysis both in the absence and presence of digestive lipases. BAD galactosidases significantly enhances lactose hydrolysis and their activity are not affected by normal digestive enzymes. Galactosidases specificity for lactose was proved by exposing starch based standard food without observing any effects.

Conclusion: BAD shows a multifunctional effect since it has an antiacid activity, while supporting proteins, lipids and lactose digestion with a prodigestive action. As such, it could be instrumental in limiting gastric acidity related side effects and the stomach heaviness sensation, due to slow digestion of an abundant or unbalanced meal.