ISSN: 1522-4821

Revista internacional de salud mental de emergencia y resiliencia humana

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Antisocial Personality Disorder among Prison Inmates: The Mediating Role of Schema-Focused Therapy

Dr. A. O. Busari

This study investigated the mediating role of schema-focused therapy in the treatment of antisocial personality disorder among prison inmates. The participants of the study were three hundred (300) prison inmates of Agodi Prison in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. The instruments used for the study were Antisocial Personality Disorder Self- Test (APDSF), deployed for screening the participants, and Antisocial Personality Disorder Symptoms Questionnaire (APDSQ) developed by the researcher. Pre-test Post-Test, control group experimental design was adopted for this study. The data were analysed using ANCOVA. There was significant main effect of treatment on antisocial personality disorder of the prison inmates. There was significant interaction effect of treatment of participants based on gender. There was also significant interaction effect of treatment on prison inmates based on time of incarceration.