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Anxiety Levels among Pregnant Women Awaiting Ultrasound Examination in Ghana

Kyei KA, Bamfo-Quaicoe K, Antwi WK, Vanderpuye V, Banson R and Atuwo-Ampoh DV

The focus of the study was to investigate the level of anxiety among pregnant women awaiting ultrasound examination. A sample size of 100 pregnant women was selected using a non-probability convenient sampling method. The study was performed with the patients completing a self-administered questionnaire. The data was collected within three week period and analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 20. The response rate was 100%, with the majority of the respondents between the ages of 35-40 years. Most pregnant women were not anxious before the ultrasound examination. However, 28% of the respondents did experience anxiety, mainly the mild level of anxiety. The cause of the anxiety of patients was mainly the outcome of their examination. The majority of the respondents indicated that they received no detailed explanations about the ultrasound examination. Although the study provided evidence that more than half of the pregnant women were not anxious during waiting, 28% of them did experience anxiety before the ultrasound examination. This experience was mainly the mild level of anxiety. The results suggested that detailed explanations of the study and reassurances be given to pregnant women in the waiting room and these are very essential components in the provision of care preceding ultrasound examination.

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