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Applying Medicines in Children: A Thorough Investigation of the Prevalence of Neonatal Hospital

Neil Shen

Therefore, it is imperative to better understand current usage patterns, especially in high-risk groups, including neonates and children. A point prevalence study (PPS) was conducted at his three pediatric tertiary care hospitals in Punjab using the World Health Organization (WHO) methodology. Antibiotic use is documented according to the WHOAware classification. Of a total of 1576 neonates and children, 1506 antibiotics were prescribed on the day of the survey (prevalence = antibiotics prescribed per patient. Most antibiotics were prescribed in the medical ward (75%), followed by the surgical ward (12.8%). Additionally, 56% of antibiotics were prescribed prophylactically and most antibiotics (92.3%) were administered parentally. The three most common indications for antibiotics were respiratory infections (34.8%), gastrointestinal infections (15.8%), and prevention of medical problems (14.3%). The three most commonly prescribed antibiotics were ceftriaxone (25.8%), amikacin (9.2%), and vancomycin (7.9%). Overall, were from the Access group.Antibiotic use in hospitalized neonates and children was very high in this study. In context, urgent action is required.