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Brief Notes on Production in Animal Medicine

Dr. Mika Noordhuizen

Background: Communication abilities are becoming increasingly important in veterinary care. Both companion animal practise and production animal field and consulting employment place a premium on having effective client communication skills. Both kinds of veterinary practice agree that developing a relationship with the customer and creating a structure for the consultation are essential.

Results: Yet, veterinary advisory practise in production animal care is distinguished by a more sophisticated level of communication. The goal of problem-oriented communication is to resolve an urgent health issue, whereas person-oriented communication is an ongoing process between a veterinarian and a client with a somewhat personal perspective that establishes the roles of interaction. The goal of solution-oriented communication is to improve the health of the herd and, as a result, production performance. It involves the client and the veterinarian addressing persistent issues or situations. All three methods of communication are interrelated.

Conclusions: This approach suggests that a veterinary office should provide both a curative and an advise service, but only when it is deemed necessary to do so. The teaching of communication skills in veterinary education should encompass the concepts and procedures required for solution-oriented communication.