ISSN: 2169-0170

Revista de Ciencias Civiles y Jurídicas

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Building Future Ready Workforce: Re-Evaluating our Educational System

Georgios Antonopoulos

The educational sector in Nigeria, like most sectors have taken a dive for the worse in the recent years. Education is the bedrock of every society; therefore it is important that the educational sector is reappraised to curb the deficiencies present for a better tomorrow. Education is an investment that reaps rewards anywhere and anytime; and in a country like Nigeria where crumbling economy and an equally declining educational system has become the order of the day, investing in education becomes of paramount importance. Children are the leaders of tomorrow, therefore it’s high time the government made decisions and put measures in place to invest in them. This article seeks to give an overview of the educational sector in Nigeria, the applicable laws that protect children and citizens' right to education, alongside the importance of the enforcement of these laws to achieve quality education in line with the United Nations SDG 4.