ISSN: 1522-4821

Revista internacional de salud mental de emergencia y resiliencia humana

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Burden of Stress-Related Mental Disorders and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Polańska Kinga

One of the most significant and frequent risk factors for both mental and physical illness is exposure to trauma. The illness known as post-traumatic stress disorder is brought on by prolonged or severe stress exposure, which raises the risk of a wide range of mental and physical symptoms (PTSD). Due to the complex pathophysiology and co-existence with other mental diseases, the diagnosis may be difficult. Exposure to a stressor is the main cause of PTSD development, and peritraumatic factors can also have an impact on the disease's course and severity. The natural history and course of the disease are also thought to be altered by a variety of factors that affect how the body reacts to stress. If the condition is sufficiently understood, preventive and interventional measures can be put into place to enhance the quality of life of the patients and to limit both the medical and economic burden of the disease.