ISSN: E-2314-7326

Enfermedades neuroinfecciosas

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Central Nervous System Vasculopathy In Varicella Zoster Virus Infection

Tapan Mehta, Ninad Desai and Dimitre Mirtchev

Varicella zoster virus is an exclusively human double-stranded DNA virus that is the causative factor for two ubiquitous conditions: varicella in children and zoster in adults. Both conditions are associated with neurological complications. Centripetal trans-axonal spread via cranial nerve ganglia appears to afford entry into the central nervous system. There is increasing evidence of varicella zoster virus playing a role in the development of giant cell arteritis. First associated with transient ischemic attacks and ischemic strokes, vasculopathy secondary to varicella zoster virus infections has now been associated with aneurysms that may or may not lead to subarachnoid hemorrhage, multifocal vasculitis, arterial dissection, dolicoectasia, cortical venous sinus thrombosis, ischemic cranial neuropathies and spinal cord infarction. Prior knowledge of the myriad clinical manifestations helps in early diagnosis and treatment of the complications.

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