ISSN: E-2314-7326

Enfermedades neuroinfecciosas

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Cerebral Abscess Secondary to Mild Scalp Infection: A Case Report and Literature Review

Guichen Li, Yang Zhang, Xiaobo Zhu and Kun Hou

The mortality and morbidity of cerebral abscess has greatly decreased since the widespread usage of antibiotics. Victims of cerebral abscess are often predisposed to many risk factors such as otitis, mastoiditis, sinusitis, immunodeficiency, blood infection and congenital defects. But cerebral abscess secondary to mild scalp infection is scarcely reported. We would like to report on a case of cerebral abscess secondary to the delayed diagnosis and management of a mild scalp infection. We will also discuss the possible mechanisms of intracranial spreading and draw a lesson that we can learn from it with a literature review. Mild scalp infection is a risk factor of cerebral abscess and we should not take it as insignificant. Timely and appropriate management is essential to avoid unintended outcomes.

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