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Child Persistent External Respiration from a Perspective of Paediatrician

Subhanul Haq

External respiration is common in newborns. This can be due to various causes of respiratory distress syndrome, such as: Hyaline membrane disease, transient extra neonatal respiration, meconium aspiration, etc. Congenital heart disease rarely presents with premature exhalation on the first or second day of cyanosis unless there is a “pump failure” (ventricular failure), in contrast to the early symptoms. It can occur in cardiomyopathy/myocarditis or as a result of severe ventricular obstruction. Space-occupying thoracic lesions such as diaphragmatic hernia and congenital cystic adenomatous malformation can occur with early external respiration, as well as metabolic causes leading to acidosis. However, the purpose of this study was to focus on infants whose external respiration persists or develops beyond the neonatal period, sometimes with minimal signs, but sometimes with severe foundations. It may be accompanied by illness. These include causes that begin in the newborn but persist afterward. For example, due to pulmonary hypoplasia or polycythemia. A number of congenital heart anomalies, particularly those that cause left-sided obstructive lesions and those due to progressive left-to-right shunting due to the large connection between the systemic and pulmonary circulations, must be considered. Respiratory causes such as aspiration, primary ciliary dyskinesia, cystic fibrosis, and interstitial lung disease may continue to cause external respiration. Infectious causes, such as bronchiolitis and infantile wheezing, are generally easy to identify. Finally, some infants persist in external respiration during the first weeks/months of life, but do well and have routine examinations, and the external respiration subsides over time.