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Afife Ayla Kabalak, Aysegul Ceylan, Eymen Aslan, Leyla Bulut, Mehmet Simsek and Ulas Ozcan
Clinical hypnosis is a science increasingly recognized for its therapeutic applications. Applied to the comprehensive treatment of cancer, clinical hypnosis offers unique possibilities due to its capacities for enhancing mind to body communication. Hypnotic therapy in cancer may be directed to many levels of its manifestations. Physical symptoms of cancer, the most common of which are pain and fatigue, and the physical effects of its treatment may be alleviated to enhance quality of life. Additionally hypnosis is useful in the management of the side effects of cancer treatments, major psychological problems and difficulty of compliance with medical treatment. In our article, we apply the results of hypnotherapy evaluated in three patients. We think an important contribution to use of hypnosis in cancer patients for palliative treatment .