ISSN: 2573-4555

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Clinical Study of Obesity (Siman-E-Mufrat) and Comparative Therapeutic Evaluation of Darchini and Safoof-E-Muhazzil in Its Management

Ziaur Rahman , Siddiqui MY , Muhammad Mohsin and Mursaleen Naseer

Obesity (Siman-e-Mufrat) is nowadays becoming a challenging threat to clinician worldwide. Its prevalence is rapidly increasing. It is usually associated with other comorbidities such as Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Atherosclerosis,Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular disease. There are various drugs in modern medicine that are used to treat obesity but having adverse effect so it is need of time to find out a drug from the system of Unani medicine with no adverse effect or minimal side effect. For this purpose A Randomized single blind study was designed to comparative clinical trial of Darchini and Safoof-e-Muhazzil for evaluation of efficacy of Darchini in comparison of Safoof-e-Muhazzil on obesity. Study was conducted in the Department of Moalejat, A.K.T.C Hospital. The protocol therapy duration was 90 days and follow up fortnightly. Cases are divided into two groups, test group (Group A), control group (Group B) comprising 30 patients in each group. Assessment of efficacy was done on the basis of objective parameters.The result of present clinical trial demonstrates that Safoof-e-Darchini is equally effective in comparison of Safoof-e-Muhazzil. Safoof-e-Muhazzil is also showing its effect on mild to moderate obesity like Darchini but both are ineffective in morbid obesity.