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Cognicise Would be Beneficial for the Protection of Cognitive Frailty and Motoric Cognitive Risk (MCR) Syndrome

Hiroshi Bando

In recent years, elderly people tend to have mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and physical frailty. For the combination, the concept “cognitive frailty” has been in focus. According to recent study, the incidence risk for long-term care after 2 years showed hazard ratio (HR) 1.0 for healthy subjects, 2.22 for decreased cognitive function, 2.40 for physical frailty, and 3.86 for cognitive frailty, respectively. Recommended exercise is “cognicise”, which is a coined word that combines cognition and exercise. For similar concept, Motoric cognitive risk (MCR) syndrome has been also in focus. Cognicise would be useful in current circumstance worldwide.