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Common Clinical Treatment of Plantar Fasciitis: A Survey of Physical Therapists Practicing in the Northeast Region of the United States

Paul Higgins

Abstract Objective: The objective of this survey was to determine how physical therapists treat plantar fasciitis. The survey asked for information regarding years of experience, manual techniques, stretching activities and ultrasound application. The results of this survey were then compared to the suggestions found in the current literature.

Design: Physical therapists (N=136) responded to the twenty question survey posted on Survey Monkey. The responses were collected and compared to the published literature.

Results: The results from the survey indicate that physical therapists use a variety of interventions in the treatment of plantar fasciitis. Several of these treatment options may not be based on the current literature suggestions.

Conclusions: Physical therapists use a variety of interventions to treat plantar fasciitis. The conclusion of this study indicates the need for further research to support the numerous treatment options for plantar fasciitis.