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Coronectomy (Intentional Partial Odontectomy) in Lower Third Molar as an Alternative Treatment: Report of Two Cases

Eduardo D, Julierme FR ,Ana Paula SC, Fan Song MD, Celso KS and Jose WN

The principle of coronectomy or intentional partial odontectomy is the removal of the tooth crown, leaving the root in situ. This technique aims to prevent damage to inferior alveolar nerve while applying to removal a third molar or posterior tooth impacted in mandible. In this study, we report two clinical cases with the impacted lower third molar presented roots in close proximity to the mandibular canal and by intentional partial odontectomy. Neurosensory deficits, postoperative infection, periods off follow up and surgical outcomes were emphasized in this study. We concluded that the intentional partial odontectomy is a foreseeable technique and easy to perform in an outpatient setting. It is an alternative procedure in the extraction of impacted lower third molar that has a close relationship with mandibular canal.