ISSN: 2471-9846

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Creating Psychological Well-Being Capability in Undergraduate Nursing Students in The Midst of Pandemic

Benjamin Bouillet

COVID- 19 has raised a concern about the quality and continuity of education. The uncertain situation has needed universities to undertake several innovative measures to continue their educational programs with- out compromising the quality of education. The end of this paper is to introduce the hybrid approach for undergraduate nursing students for teaching internal health nursing course, exercising Gagne's educational design proposition, in a private nursing institution in Pakistan. The nine way of instructions in Gagne’s theoretical frame were utilized for teaching the internal health nursing course. The approach enhanced students’ remedial communication skills, boosted their confidence position, and supported them in prostrating their fears in minding cases with psychiatric illnesses. Students appreciated the innovative strategies, similar as problem- based literacy, case studies, relations with standardized cases, and learning through movies. The innovative and creative clinical teaching approaches can be used to develop nursing students’ competent- cites, core clinical skills, and to bridge the theory- practice gap.

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