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Criminalidad en pacientes psiquiátricos: estudio egipcio

Nahla Nagy, Walla Sabry, Reem Elghamry, Ramy Mostafa, Mohsen Nazmy, Mona Abdelal y Mahmoud Elwasify

Background: Patients with psychiatric illness are at increased risk of committing violent crime more than individuals in the general population.
Objective: To estimate the risk of violent crime among psychiatric patients with different diagnoses and the clinical factors mediating this risk.
Subjects and method: cross-sectional study was used to analyze data from ElKhanka psychiatric hospital admissions and criminal convictions in 2010-2012. Risk of violent crime in psychiatric patients was compared with type of crime (homicide,set fire,physical and sexual assult), their written diagnoses in medical files and durations of admission and discharge data were considered.
Results: We found increased risk of violent crime among patients diagnosed with schizophrenic disorders 80.6%, followed by bipolar disorder 7.3% and mental retardation 8.1%. Most of the crimes committed were homicide 56.4% and physical assault 20.6%.
Conclusion: prevention of crimes in psychiatric patients needs more attention. The risk assessment, treatment and duration of admission in these individuals need further examination.

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