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Deribe Gemiyo, Zekarias Bassa, Tesfaye Alemu
A study was conducted to demonstrate and evaluate effects of enset corm supplementation for oxen fed on locally available forage sources under farmer’s management at Kachabira and Lemu, southern Ethiopia. 3 kg concentrate mixtures were prepared from wheat bran (86.5%), noug cake (Gizotiaabisynnica) 13% and salt (1%) were offered for all animals across farmers. Enset corm offered based on body weight, 1.5-2 kg (0.5-1%) DM basis was offered per head per day as supplements and farmers were considered as replicates. The results indicated that on average, the overall weight change is 81.1 kg per head over the fattening period, 90 days. Oxen supplemented with enset corm gained higher (p<0.05) weight at Kachabira compared to those at Lemu. In similar way, an ox fattened at Kachabira is signficaly higher final weight compared to Lemu. The overall mean weight (354 kg/head) and the overall gain (900 g/head/day), averaged by locations, indicated that fattening is promising for farmers who fatten animals using enset corm as supplements. On thirteen day, 45th, 60th, 75th and 90th days oxen at Kachabira was significantly (p<0.05) higher compared to Lemu. There is an increasing trend in weight gain in both locations; the increment rate was higher in Kachabira than Lemu district. It could be concluded that strategic supplementation of oxen with 500 gm DM enset corm /head/day could help fattening oxen in enset dominant farming systems.