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Aman Gudeto
Participatory demonstration of fattening technology was conducted at Keta-Bareda kebele of Dodola district on six to eight years old Arsi oxen. The objectives of the study were to demonstrate oxen fattening technology and to analysis its profitability at on-farm level. Two farmer research extension groups (FREG) were formed in collaboration with development agents. Each FREG constructed animal shades near one of their member home. Mini field day was organized at the final body condition of the animals to collect farmers’ feed backs. The body weights of animals were taken with fifteen day interval using heart girth chart tape. Collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Final body weights, total weight gains and average daily weight gains of the oxen were 292.5, 45.75 and 0.653 kg respectively. An average margin of profit of 3160.50 ETB was obtained per the experimental animal while the entire margin of profit of sixteen oxen was 50567.70 ETB.