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Developments in Orthopedic Pain: A Review of Recent Alterations

Michael Clerk

Orthopedic surgery has witnessed a significant transformation with the advent of 3D printing technology. This abstract provides an overview of the substantial impact 3D printing has had on orthopedics, with a focus on patient-specific implants, surgical planning, and training models. Customization in orthopedic implants has been revolutionized by 3D printing, allowing for the creation of patient-specific implants tailored to individual anatomical variations. This technology not only improves the fit and function of implants but also enhances their biocompatibility, ultimately leading to improved patient outcomes.

Additionally, 3D printing has enabled surgeons to develop highly accurate anatomical models, facilitating preoperative planning and enhancing their understanding of complex cases. These models serve as invaluable tools for surgical simulation, allowing for meticulous rehearsal of procedures and minimizing the risk of intraoperative surprises.