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Effect of different Levels of Biosaf Probiotic in Diet of Late Pregnant and Lactating Iranian Zandi Ewes, on Growth Performance and Immune System of their Lambs

Dabiri N, Yazdi AB, Hemati B, Bahrani M, Mahdavi A, Raghebian M and Hajimohammadi A

A feeding trial was conducted in order to evaluate the effect of different levels of Biosaf probiotic (Saccharomyces cerevisiae sc47) in diet of late pregnant and early lactating Zandi ewes on ewe body condition score and growth performance and immune system of their suckling lambs. The experiment was performed on 27 pregnant Iranian Zandi ewes with similar conditions (3-4 years of age, 2-3 parities and at the same time of estrus). According to a completely randomized design, ewes were allocated randomly to one of three treatment (9 ewes/treatment) including: 1-basal diet without probiotic (Control, C) 2-basal diet supplemented with 3 g probiotic per ewe (Low Probiotic, LP) 3-basal diet supplemented with 4.5 g probiotic per ewe (High Probiotic, HP). Basal diet was containing 2.27 MCal/Kg ME and 10.68% crude protein according to NRC 1984. The experiment was conducted 30 days before and 60 days after lambing (suckling period). Lambs live weight was measured at birth and every two weeks interval until Weaning (60 days). Blood samples were collected at first week of birth and weaning and analyzed for blood urea nitrogen (BUN), glucose, globulin, albumin, total protein and white blood cells. Body condition score of ewes measured at beginning of the experiment, after lambing, first month of lactation and weaning. The average daily gain (ADG) of suckling lamb was higher in the HP supplemented group than C and LP groups in all weeks (except week 2), but this superiority reached significant (P<0.05) for lambs at 8 weeks old (168 g/d HP vs. 116 g/d LP and 109 g/d C ± 12.4). This superiority of ADG of HP suckling lambs happened, despite body condition score of their dams was not significantly difference among treatments (P>0.05). The BUN concentration in HP supplemented groups was lower than C and LP groups indicating improvement in nitrogen efficiency in the rumen. White blood cells were not significantly different among treatment (P>0.05). It is In concluded that supplementation of Biosaf probiotic (Saccharomyces cerevisiae sc47) to diets of pregnant and lactating of ewes at level 4.5 g/d had positive effects on their lambs growth performance.