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Henderiana L. L. Belli, Pieter Rihi Kale, Arnold E. Manu and Wilmientje M. Nalley
The study aimed to evaluate the effect of pre-partum α-tocopherol and β-carotene injection on passive transfer of Bali Timor cow. There were 24 Bali Timor cows at 8 months pregnant arranged based on completely randomized design 4 treatments with 6 replicates. The 4 treatments administrated were: P0: control; P1: injection α- toccopherol acetate 1000 mg; P2: injection β-carotene 1000 mg; P3: injection α-tocopherol acetate 500 mg and β-carotene 500mg to each of 8 months pregnant cow and 2 weeks after first injection. The results found were: IgG concentration of P3 (45.64±0.76 mg/mL) was higher than P1 (41.85±0.92 mg/mL); P2 (31.97±0.7 mg/mL) and P0 (26.2±0.49 mg/mL) respectively; passive transfer results IgG concentration in calves : P3 (26.13 mg/ml) was significant (P<0.05) higher than P1 (23.21 mg/mL); P2 (18.24 mg/mL) and P0 (18.24 mg/mL); and calves weight gain: P3 was significant (P<0.05) vs (0.33 vs 0.26 vs 0.3 vs 0.21 kg/h;). The results indicate that injection 500 mg α-tocopherol and 500mg β-carotene pre-partum increase IgG colostrum, IgG calves serum and daily weight gain of Bali calves.