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Ahmed Alwahab Rizk, Hosny Ahmed Dewer, Huda Soliman Seddeq and Rania Abdu Fathy Aly-Aldean
Acoustic and thermal performance greatly affect in lecture halls as, acoustic, architecture and thermal treatments play an important role to enhance acoustic and thermal performance in space and therefore increasing sentiment of acoustic and thermal comfort in space. This research get down to the role of acoustic, architecture and thermal treatments to enhance acoustic and thermal performance of internal acoustic and thermal environment for main lecture hall of Tanta engineering whereas, the hall suffers great acoustic and thermal problems, all because of several reasons, most important it, sky light of ceiling, integration work done between acoustic and thermal treatments to achieve best acoustic and thermal performance and using ODEON software to evaluate suggested treatments acoustically and selection the best then evaluate it by DESIGN BUILDER software to calculate the range of energy consumption reduce in hall after these suggested treatments. It helped to enhance acoustic and thermal performance level in hall and increasing sentiment of acoustic and thermal comfort in hall. RT value of lecture hall reduce from RT=3.5 Hz to RT=0.95 Hz and the range of energy consumption reduce in hall after these treatments 70%.