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Epidermoid cyst of the parotid gland: Report of a rare case with literature review

Meherzi Samia

Epidermoid cyst (EC) of the parotid gland is a benign pathology rarely encountered by otolaryngologist. It is usually mistaken for an abscess, neoplasm or other cysts including cystic neoplasm. It can get infected, mimicking an abscess or causes a facial nerve palsy which is very rare. MRI and fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) are important examinations for the diagnosis. Total excision of the cyst is the gold standard treatment. Recurrence is unusual. Malignant transformation has been reported in history. This entity should be considered by clinicians when faced to a gradually growing painless swelling in the parotid gland. In our literature review for the past 25 years, we have collected 13 cases in additional to ours. In this paper we report a case of congenital EC of the parotid gland in a 71 year old patient and we present a literature review for this pathology.