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Esthetic Archwires in Orthodontics- A Review

Devinder Preet Singh

The archwire has been an integral part of the orthodontic appliance, ever since Dr. Edward Angle placed the first appliance into the patient’s mouth. The high esthetic demand by the patient, along with the introduction of composite and ceramic brackets initiated research for esthetic archwires to go with these brackets. Esthetic archwires available are composite, optiflex and coated archwires. In orthodontics, composite prototypes of archwires, ligatures and brackets have been made from S-2 glass fibers (a ceramic) and acrylic resins (Polymer). Optiflex archwires are made of clear optical fiber comprises of three layers: a) silicon dioxide core b) silicon resin middle layer and c) nylon outer layer. Coated archwires can be teflon coated, epoxy coated or the nitanium tooth toned archwire. Appropriate use of all the available wire types may enhance patient comfort and reduce chairside time as well as the duration of treatment. The individual clinician must always know and understand the needs and options at every stage of therapy.