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Evaluation of Epidemiological Trends and Severity of Traumatic Brain Injury Using Multi-Detector Computed Tomography Scanner in Uttar Pradesh University of Medical Sciences Hospital

Arfat M, Zahiruddin MD, Yadav YC, Brig T, Prabhakar VSM and Gupta AK

Background: MDCT is very well diagnosed and detecting haemorrhages, skull fracture with the help of new technique like 3D, Volume Rendering Technique (VRT), Multi-planar Reconstruction (MPR) and Maximum Intensity Projection. To evaluate of the epidemiological trends and severity of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) using multi-detector computed tomography scanner.

Methods: The Present study was conducted with 61 patients, age between 2 year to 70 year mean age (36 Years) presenting to emergency department of Uttar Pradesh University of Medical Sciences, Saifai, Etawah, with a history of acute head trauma from Dec 2015 to May 2016. All patients were examined using 64 MDCT.

Results: Traumatic brain injury caused by various reasons like 65.57% Road Traffic Accidents (RTA) and 19.67% Fall From Height (FFH) being and 14.75% hit by hard object. Loss of consciousness was the most common complaint of the 60.65% TBI patients followed by 6.56% Vomiting and headache, 21.31% facial injury and 1.47% scalp wounds. All TBI patients were diagnosed by MDCT who was observed 37.7% skull fractures, 9.83%, extra dural hematoma, 14.75% Sub Dural hematoma, 13.11% Sub archnoid haemorrhage, 6.55% Intra cerebral hematoma, 27.86% brain contusions and 9.83% diffuse cerebral edema.

Conclusion: MDCT is well characterized to various type severities of the brain injury TBI patients. The present study data is indicated 65.57% majority of TBI patients is suffered by Road traffic accidents involving young adult males predominant.

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