ISSN: E-2314-7326

Enfermedades neuroinfecciosas

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First Brazilian Case of Peripheral Mononeuropathy Secondary to Infection Chikungunya Virus

Lucas Aguiar Alencar De Oliveira, Fernando Jacó Silva Moreira, Mariana Leite Pereira, Rayssa Fernandes De Souza Coelho, Allyson Coelho Ribeiro, Augusto César Beserra Martins, José Hugo Andrade Santos Dantas, Isadora Almendra Costa Coelho Gayosoe Almendra, Ítalo Araújo Rios Brandão, July Lima Gomes, Kamilla Gomes

Background: Chikungunya is an infection caused by an RNA-virus and transmitted from primates to humans by Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitoes. Usually, it causes fever, widespread exanthema, myalgia and severe diffuse joints pain but may present several complications, such as neurological manifestations.

Case presentation: We describe a case of a 38-year-old man with diagnostic confirmation of chikungunya virus infection based on the clinical manifestations of the disease and positivity of the serological tests. He has evolved with peripheral mononeuropathy confirmed by clinical examination and electroneuromyography.

Conclusion: Peripheral neuropathy may be a neurological complication of CHIKV infection and to the best of our knowledge this is the first Brazilian case of peripheral mononeuropathy secondary to CHIKV infection.

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