ISSN: 2381-8727

Revista Internacional de Inflamación, Cáncer y Terapia Integrativa

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Gravity Syndrome


"The agent (Na +) acts permanently on the circulatory rotation of the neurons, which accentuates the operational deficiency of the cellular rhythm in the normal state, the agent (Ca) acts on the bone system and indirectly on the cardiac rhythm. Body gravity is based on the magnetic field of each neuron which provides the transmission of a bioelectric signal called nerve impulse. Neurons have two physiological properties: excitability or the ability to respond to stimuli and convert them to nerve impulses, and conductivity, which is the ability to transmit impulses into the body's energies constantly act on the circulatory rotation of neurons which accentuates the operational deficiency of the cellular rhythm in the normal state and creates the productivity of the mitochondria the powerhouse of the cells. This relativity provokes the law of body weight compared to atmospheric deficiency”