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Growth and Economic Performance of Clarias gariepinus Fry Reared at Various Stocking Densities

Ajani EK, Orisasona O and Jenyo-Oni A

The biological and economic performance of Clarias gariepinus fry was investigated at various stocking densities. Five aquaria tanks were stocked at 100 (STK1), 150 (STK2), 200 (STK3), 250 (STK4) and 300 (STK5) fry/L. Triplicate groups of experimental fish were fed for 28 days with commercial diets. Water quality parameters were monitored throughout the experimental period, with pH, dissolved oxygen and temperature within the recommended range for the culture of C. gariepinus. Mean weight gain was significantly higher (P<0.05) in STK1 and STK 2 groups. Specific growth rate also followed the same trend, with the highest (8.47) recorded in STK 1, while the least (6.55) was recorded in STK 5. Performance indicator reduced with increasing stocking density. Profitability index were high in STK1 (3.21) and STK2 (3.30) while Incidence of costs were significantly lower in these two groups. This study reveals that stocking density significantly affects the performance and survival of fry of the African catfish, therefore stocking density of 100- 150 fry/L is recommended for C. gariepinus fry.

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