ISSN: 2155-9872

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Growth Rate and Morphology of a Single Calcium Carbonate Crystal on Polysulfone Film Measured with Time Lapse Raman Micro Spectroscopy

Barbara Liszka M, Aufried Lenferink TM and Cees Otto

The growth of single, self- nucleated calcium carbonate crystals on a polysulfone (PSU) film was investigated with high resolution, time lapse Raman imaging. The Raman images were acquired on the interface of the polymer with the crystal. The growth of crystals could thus be followed in time. PSU is a polymer that is used as a membrane material in water cleaning technology. The intensity of the Raman band at the position of 1086 cm-1, which is due to the symmetric stretching of the C-O bonds in the carbonate group of calcite was used to translate the number of CO3 2- ions in a crystal to the growth in time. The growth rate of single crystals of calcium carbonate on a surface was obtained from successive Raman images. We are presenting for the first time time-lapse Raman images of single crystal growth as a direct method to determine a crystal growth rate on an industrially relevant membrane material, like polysulfone.