ISSN: 2155-9910

Ciencias Marinas: Investigación y Desarrollo

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History of Sea Water on Earth Biosphere

Rachana Gupta

The origin of water space on Earth is the subject of a body of analysis in the fields of planetary science, astronomy, and astrobiology. Earth is distinctive among the rocky planets in the Solar System in that it is the only planet known to have oceans of liquid water on its exterior surface. Liquid water, which is need for life as continues to exist on the surface of Earth because the planet is at a long distance, known as the habitable zone, far enough from the Sun that it does not lose its water to the runaway greenhouse consequence, but not so far that lower temperatures cause all water on the planet to quick freeze. It was long thought that Earth’s water did not derived from the planet’s sector of the protoplanetary disk. Instead, it was hypothesized water and other volatiles must have been distributed to Earth from the outer Solar System later in its history.