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How to raise loud voice of common Indian women

Rahul Hajare

Why do we in our society refuse to talk about the same thing that caused us to be born? Most women appreciate it when their partners want to make sure their needs are met.  The harder you work to please her, the greater the chance she will reciprocate. We have all heard that women 'fake it', but did you know how many? According Psychology Today website, only about 25% of women said they orgasm regularly during sex -- certainly not a number that inspires confidence in the sexual prowess of the average male. Evidently, it doesn’t matter whether you’re from the land of the Kama Sutra or the home of KY Jelly; the numbers suggest that if you’re a man engaging in regular sex, you’re probably not doing a good enough job. Fortunately, and contrary to what most of you are afraid of hearing, it isn’t the size of the ship that matters, but the motion of the ocean. Even more simply put, how you’re doing is all about what you’re doing. So, in the spirit of literally helping out our fellow man, here are a few pointers on how to make sex more pleasurable for your partner.