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In The Era of Modern Dental Care Anti-Thrombotic Medications

Erica James

Due to the development of novel anti-thrombotic medicines and modifications to the approved indications for their use, anti-thrombotic treatment has undergone significant changes in recent years. Dentists are consequently seeing more patients who are receiving anti-thrombotic therapy and who have a higher risk of bleeding. The current research seeks to evaluate the literature on current anti-thrombotic therapies and provide details on their dental implications. The material published between 2000 and 2016 was searched online. Both articles discussing evidence-based clinical recommendations for anti-thrombotic therapies and publications documenting the use of anti-thrombotic drugs were incorporated. The publications were reviewed based on the treatment protocol criteria and their applicability to dentistry. A total of 5,539 papers were found: 132 of these articles mention direct anti-thrombotic drugs, while 56 of the 554 evidence-based clinical guidelines found dealt with anti-thrombotic therapy procedures. During dental procedures, bleeding is a possibility. Dentists need to be knowledgeable about the effects of new generation anti-thrombotic medications on dental treatment as well as practical ways to achieve haemostasis because more patients are taking them [1-5].