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Increased Risk of Diabetes in Elder Patients Indicates to Tooth Loss

Mutlu Agarwal

Diabetes patients are aware of the disease’s potential for injury to the heart, kidneys, eyes, nerves, and other vital bodily systems. Diabetes may affect your dental health also. Diabetes increases a person’s risk of developing periodontal disease, an inflammation of the bone and gums that support the teeth. Pain, persistent foul breath, difficulty eating, and even tooth loss are all symptoms of periodontal disease. Diabetes can impede the treatment of periodontal disease by slowing the healing process. In addition to these issues, diabetes can also lead to dry mouth and thrush, a painful fungal infection that forms white spots in the mouth. Lack of saliva, the substance that keeps your mouth moist, causes dry mouth. Dry mouth can lead to tooth decay, discomfort, ulcers, infections, and so on. Smoking exacerbates these issues. Furthermore, diabetes may raise the amount of sugar (glucose) in your saliva. When these issues come together, thrush could result.