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Inferior Lumbar Hernia: A case Report and Review of the Literature

Maissaa MAHIR, Warda C, Benzalim M, Alj S, Zouine Y

Primary lumbar hernias are a rare; two types are described, according to the anatomical location of the hernia neck and etiology: the inferior and the posterior. While they are more lessely located within the inferior lumbar triangle. Incarceration is uncommon but represents a surgical emergency when present. We present a case of 68-year-old-woman had an inferior lumbar hernia unexpectedly discovered during an evaluation of the extent of loco regional colorectal adenocarcinoma. Abdominal CT scan demonstrated herniation of small bowel though the inferior lumbar triangle. CT scan is useful to distinguish hernia from solid mass, abscess, or other pathology, while bedside ultrasound may prompt an attempt at immediate reduction. Furthermore, CT provided the vital role in prompting surgical management. CT is now widely accepted as the imaging modality of choice for lumbar hernia, principally for its role in defining hernia contents accurately. Surgical correction is always more difficult in advanced cases; surgery must be indicated as early as possible. Surgical treatment can be performed as either an open or laparoscopic procedure with equivalent success.

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