ISSN: 2572-0899

Revista global de enfermería y estudios forenses

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Integrating Forensic Aspects of Healthcare with Bio-Psycho-Social Education: A Comprehensive Approach

Yang Jian

The synergistic integration of forensic aspects within the realm of healthcare, harmonized with the multifaceted dimensions of bio-psycho-social education. In the modern healthcare landscape, where clinical, psychological, and social factors intricately intersect, a comprehensive understanding becomes imperative. This study aims to elucidate the significance of fusing forensic insights with the holistic bio-psycho-social model, fostering a well-rounded approach to education and practice. Forensic considerations in healthcare pertain to legal, ethical, and investigative aspects that arise in patient care. Integrating these dimensions alongside the bio-psycho-social model, which acknowledges the biological, psychological, and sociological influences on health, engenders a more comprehensive perspective. This integration enables healthcare practitioners to navigate complex cases with heightened awareness, ensuring a judicious balance between medical exigencies and legal or ethical boundaries. The educational framework proposed herein underscores the need for curricula that encompass a wider spectrum of knowledge. By incorporating forensic dimensions, students gain insight into areas such as medical law, ethical dilemmas, and the intricacies of documentation crucial in medico-legal cases. This broader educational approach empowers future healthcare professionals to adeptly manage not only clinical intricacies but also potential legal challenges that might arise in their practice.