ISSN: 2169-0170

Revista de Ciencias Civiles y Jurídicas

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Nuestro grupo organiza más de 3000 Series de conferencias Eventos cada año en EE. UU., Europa y América. Asia con el apoyo de 1.000 sociedades científicas más y publica más de 700 Acceso abierto Revistas que contienen más de 50.000 personalidades eminentes, científicos de renombre como miembros del consejo editorial.

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International Criminal Justice

Chouinard K

The implications of the procedural laws when mitigating domestic and international criminal activity includes both domestic and international laws which are based on a lot of the same traditions, including common law, civil law, adversarial systems, and inquisitorial systems. Defendants are read their rights when arrested and before questioning, and are given an opportunity to contact their countries consulate for counsel, as well as given a fair trial, which is a combination of the Adversarial Anglo-American system, and the Inquisitorial European Civil Law tradition.