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Isolates of Staphylococcus Aureus Produce Biofilms

Carolina Lodi

The capacity of Staphylococcus aureus to shape biofilm is viewed as a significant destructiveness factor impacting its endurance and steadiness in both the climate and the host. Biofilm development in S. aureus is most often connected with the development of polysaccharide intercellular bond by ica operon-encoded compounds. The purpose of this study was to determine whether or not S. aureus isolates from a dental clinic in Konya, Turkey, produced biofilms in vitro and contained the icaA and icaD genes. Over the course of six months, samples were taken from the surfaces of inanimate objects. S. aureus isolates were tested for biofilm production using crystal violet (CV) and Congo Red Agar (CRA) staining assays, and the presence of the icaA and icaD genes was determined using polymerase chain reaction. 13.2% of environmental samples contained S. aureus contamination. The icaA and icaD genes were found to be present in all isolates. Phenotypic assessments uncovered that CV staining measure is a more solid option in contrast to CRA examine to decide biofilm development capacity. The results of CV staining and the detection assays for ica genes were found to be highly compatible. In order to find out if S. aureus is forming biofilms, phenotypic and genotypic tests should be performed simultaneously. Our discoveries demonstrate that dental facility conditions ought to be considered as possible repositories for biofilm-delivering S. aureus and hence cross-defilement.