Revista de investigación de inmunología de las mucosas

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Mucosal Immunosenescence: Unraveling the Aging Immune Barriers

Troncone Boer

Aging is an inevitable and complex biological process that impacts every facet of human physiology, including the immune system. Mucosal surfaces, lining the respiratory, gastrointestinal, and urogenital tracts, play a pivotal role in the body’s defense against pathogens, allergens, and environmental challenges. However, as individuals age, these mucosal immune defenses undergo profound changes, collectively referred to as mucosal immunosenescence. This abstract provides an overview of the phenomenon of mucosal immunosenescence. It delves into the key immunological alterations that occur at mucosal sites with aging, highlighting the decline in immune cell function, reduced antibody responses, and altered microbiota composition. These age-related changes can leave older individuals more susceptible to infections, less responsive to vaccinations, and at an increased risk of chronic inflammatory conditions. The abstract also touches upon the clinical implications of mucosal immunosenescence, emphasizing the need for targeted interventions to bolster mucosal immunity in aging populations. Strategies such as personalized vaccination approaches, probiotics, and dietary modifications offer promise in mitigating the impact of immunosenescence on overall health and well-being. Understanding and addressing mucosal immunosenescence is a pressing challenge in an aging world population. This review sheds light on the intricate mechanisms at play and the potential avenues for intervention, ultimately offering insights into how we can enhance the health and resilience of aging individuals through a renewed focus on mucosal immune function.