ISSN: E-2314-7326

Enfermedades neuroinfecciosas

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Neuropathy: Case series and Review of Literature

Svetlana Akhmatova

Metronidazole has been widely used to treat different not needing oxygen infections for many years without producing major side effects. Some of its new medically helpful indications, however, require/result in lengthy treatment with compared to other things high doses off to the side nerve disease is clearly one of the difficulties that can arise with such use. Case Report: Four young male patients with history of intake of metronidazole for treatment of amoebic liver infected swelling and diarrhoea developed very fast beginning away from the main mass of the body having a left half that's a perfect mirror image of the right half related to hearing, seeing, smelling, etc. nerve disease. Patients being treated with metronidazole especially those on high doses even for short period should be watched/supervised for poisonous to nervesity. This drug which is widely and based on actual evidence prescribed and is an over the counter (OTC) drug for any types of diarrhoea in our country is clearly connected with poisonous to nervesity. Metronidazole should be used with some caution and with clear indications even when is prescribing for short course and low doses. The aim of the study was to get disease-identifying findings, test/evaluate medically helpful options, and review results in PN patients.

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