ISSN: 2165-7904

Revista de terapia de pérdida de peso y obesidad

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Nurturing Healthy Futures: Exploring the Efficacy of a Health and Wellness Program for Overweight and Obese Adolescents

John Thomas

This fundamental examination meant to assess the viability of a 12-week wellbeing and health program for overweight and corpulent teenagers. The program comprised of actual work, sustenance instruction and conducts guiding and involved week by week gatherings with guardians or parental figures. The review included 20 members with a mean period of 15.2 years and a mean BMI of 32.6 kg/m2. Results showed huge upgrades in weight (-6.9 kg), BMI (-2.6 kg/m2) and midsection boundary (-5.1 cm) among the members. The program additionally prompted enhancements in dietary propensities and expanded active work levels. These discoveries propose that a far reaching way of life mediation program that incorporates actual work, sustenance schooling, and conduct guiding, custom fitted to the singular requirements of overweight and stout young people and including guardians or parental figures, might be a powerful method for accomplishing supported weight reduction and further developed wellbeing results in this populace. Nonetheless, further exploration with bigger example sizes and longer subsequent periods is expected to decide the drawn out viability of the intercession.